Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Success of My R.A.P.I.S.T. Protocol

Studs and studettes, we got him!  The spackler has been brought to justice.  To make a long story short, basically, for five nights in a row, I was woken up by someone knocking on my door.  By the time I put on my woodpecker undies, stumbled through my dark house, and got to the door, the perpetrator had disappeared, leaving only a paper bag filled with chocolate pudding they had set on fire.  I promptly stomped it out, woke up all of my technicians and had them fan out from my house to find this pudding hating pyromaniac.  I basically knew it was someone not very intimate with my dietary preferences or they would have known I like banana flavored pudding!  Or, maybe they knew I disliked chocolate and that’s why they threw that on my porch.  Anyway, my technicians failed to locate the culprit, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I borrowed a security camera system a villager was using to find out what jungle creature was raping his goats.  I put it on a fence post across from my front door and went to bed, knowing the perpetrator could not resist throwing his pudding on my porch again.  Like clockwork I was woken up by knocking and the flickering of a small flaming bag of chocolate pudding.  I promptly stomped out the fire and retrieved my video.  I couldn’t freakin’ believe it!  It was the Slovenian jeweler I hired to make the petrified owl-monkey-testicle-laden ring for Ursula.   AND, it wasn’t chocolate pudding at all, it was a bag of his feces.  ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDIN’ ME?!  I stomped on a flaming bag of sh*t with my new freakin’ gorilla's wool slippers?!    

I decided the best way to catch this poop flinging jeweler was to have the villager that was having his goats raped to make me a man-sized snare.  He was unwilling at first because I wouldn’t tell him what I needed it for, but when I told him I would give him back his camera if he built the snare, he capitulated.  I’m not bragging or anything, but my flawless negotiational skills and mastery of the Paraguayan and English languages are enough to convince anyone to do my bidding.  Basically, the snare worked!   I caught him the next night.  Unfortunately, while he was thrashing around in the snare he smashed the camera to a million pieces, but since he did it, it was his responsibility to tell the villager it was broken.  

Why did he do it you wonder?  He apparently went bankrupt as a result of my public condemnation of the sale of petrified owl-monkey-testicle-laden rings once I found out the testicles came from real freakin’ monkeys.  He also admitted to spackling all over my bathroom.  That, he said, was for me spackling all over his bathroom when I was meeting with him to design Ursula’s ring.  Well, I’m sorry jewelry guy for my body forcefully rejecting the ground beef you fed me for lunch!  Why would you expect me to clean up my poop when it was in your store?!  What don’t people understand about the uncontrollability of my bowel movements?!

I decided the best way to get my revenge was to send the video of the porch pooping to a local news station.  I told them I was a schoolteacher at a boarding school in a nearby village to avoid having to deal with the fame that would surely come from my use of the man-sized snare.  I didn't want police from all over Paraguay banging on my door asking me to build them man-sized snares, which I obviously don't have time to build.  Basically, the video was watched by dozens if not hundreds of people, providing me with a giddy feeling that comes only  from cold justice.  I’ve provided a link to the video here.  You’re welcome.  
WARNING: This is barely graphic footage, even though I’ve blurred out the man parts (you’re welcome ladies)!

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